Best lamb skewers in Chengdu
With a freezer filled with fresh lamb from inner Mongolia, XunHuan (translated means looking for affection) lamb skewers cooks up the best lamb skewer in Chengdu. They do not replenish their stock of lamb and will close once they sell out. Located in the middle of the famous JiuYanQiao ( Nine eyed bridge) bar street by the river. This establishment provides nourishment for both the hung over and the locals.
XunHuan lamb skewer 寻欢焖烤羊肉串 store front with clay oven
You can select the lamb from the fridge.
Lamb skewers are the best, less than 1 dollar USD per skewer.
XunHuan lamb skewer 寻欢焖烤羊肉串 famous lamb
Lamb kidney, very fresh looking ~ 2 USD per two kidney pieces
XunHuan lamb skewer 寻欢焖烤羊肉串 lamb kidney
Argentinian shrimp - 2 USD per skewer
XunHuan lamb skewer 寻欢焖烤羊肉串 shrimp
Lamb chops and shoulder blades ~ 2 USD per skewer
XunHuan lamb skewer 寻欢焖烤羊肉串 lamb shoulder blade
The clay oven is unique. At the bottom is a propane burner which heats up the coal. Heston Blumenthal recently created a BBQ that uses propane to heat up the coals. The traditional method of using butane fuel to light coal is inefficient and leaves a bad tasting smell to the meat. By using propane burner to heat up the coal, it is the best of both worlds. The skewers are also facing down while in the clay oven, ensuring that the juices and fat are dripping from the top to the bottom, coating the entire skewer.
XunHuan lamb skewer 寻欢焖烤羊肉串 clay oven with propane burner and coal
XunHuan lamb skewer 寻欢焖烤羊肉串 traditional charcoal
Each skewer is lowered into the clay oven via a hook and inside the oven, the skewer locks onto the side of the clay oven. Smart invention.
XunHuan lamb skewer 寻欢焖烤羊肉串 placing skewers into the clay oven
Once cooked, items are slightly dusted with cumin and finely ground cumin and chili powder. I know some chefs add cinammon, anise, sesame and peanut into the powder to further boost the fragrance of the powder.
XunHuan lamb skewer 寻欢焖烤羊肉串 cumin and chili powder
This store also offers the best complement to lamb skewers - Beer!
XunHuan lamb skewer 寻欢焖烤羊肉串 beer
XunHuan lamb skewer 寻欢焖烤羊肉串 cooked lamb skewers , oven in background
XunHuan lamb skewer 寻欢焖烤羊肉串 cooked lamb kidney
Great way to end the night after a night of drinking and / or walking around the famous bar strip near the river.
- The best tasting one is the lamb skewer
- If you come too late, some items might be sold out
- It is the second store from the left and the entrance to the alley is a little hidden
Name to search on Baidu / GaoDe maps: 寻欢焖烤羊肉串(九眼桥店)
Address: 成都 武侯区 致民东路13号